Defending The Republic
During the final days of this most important election cycle, I am going to breifly highlight a few obvious points pertaining to our two party system mascarading as one organization.
Foreign Policy
- Ted Stevens [Republican].
- Kwame Kilpatrick {Democrat].
- Many of McCain and Obama's campaign advisors consists of lobbyists.
- Bailout supported by Obama and McCain.
- If McCain is accussing Obama of socialism, then McCain is also a socialist.
- Both candidates support the current private banker/monetary politician supply cycle.
- Both candidates boast blueprints to negatively impact global economics through empire building tactics.
- McCain's foreign policy would heavily consist of pre-emptive "democracy building" projects.
- Obama's foreign policy would heavily consist of UN mandated "guns-n-butter" missions.
- McCain and Obama supports the Real Id Act, FISA, and other privacy/civil liberty type programs.
- McCain and Obama support "Robin Hood" type entitlement programs, taking property from private citizens to give to a small amount of its citizenry.
- McCain and Obama is part of the ogliarchy like two party system, for the most part, excluding independents and third party candidates.
Before defending the republic in the highly partisan voting booth, think very carefully why you choose to blacken in the oval , electronically touch the screen, or god forbid, prudently punch at any hanging chad.
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Labels: Barack Obama, Election 2008, John McCain
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