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Friday, February 15, 2008

Real ID Is Real Stupid

Once again, the omnipotent Department of Homeland Security has cooked up another grand scheme dangerously similar to the Patriot Act, named the Real ID Act. Two words describe this bad piece of legislation : Real Bad.

Asides from the issue of identity theft, the Real ID, which is supposed to take effect in 2011, is an enormous chockfull of unconstitutional legislation.

By forcing so called independent states to distribute the government mandated encryption strip, the idea of states rights gets flushed down the toilet. The Feds have once again trumped state sovereignty, this time ordering these individual territory's citizens to be stuck with Centralized consequences … well too bad. No more air travel. No more opening new bank accounts. No more entering federal buildings. The general public residing in the so called dissident states would not be allowed to perform certain day to day activities. A more predicament has been been created by not allowing states to make daily decisions on how to process their own drivers license information. These kinds of actions are not only unconstitutional, but it is illegal despite the fact that it is unnoticed by most of the broad-spectrum population.

Another quandary is that eventually the United States plans to abandon a bit more of its national sovereignty by allowing the countries of Canada and Mexico [ironically NAFTA partners] to have access of this private information. Once again, another example of the government getting entangled in another form of an alliance is documented here. This information is well intentionally used to fight against illegal immigrants between these countries, while these actions like this do not follow the course of our highest national document.

The fact that the United States of America is forcing individual states to lose its autonomy not only to the federal government, but to foreign countries is outright unconstitutional as well as dangerous. A crooked foreign statist possibly might decide to sell or distribute information about an individual through unintended channels. Additionally, this informational procedure could be devised to break up dissent to governmental opinion.

Fortunately, quite a few states have vowed to fight back for privacy reasons and also to promote smaller versions of governmental rule. Regrettably, other states have caved into Michael Chertoff and company's criminal, dangerous, and unconstitutional legislation.

Ron Paul on Real ID

More on the Real ID Act
Real ID Rebellion [blog]
Text Of Real ID Act
How Will Real ID Affect You


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